Results for 'Alexandra Olivia Sultanescu'

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  1. Meaning, Rationality, and Guidance.Olivia Sultanescu - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1):227-247.
    In Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language, Saul Kripke articulates a form of scepticism about meaning. Even though there is considerable disagreement among critics about the reasoning in which the sceptic engages, there is little doubt that he seeks to offer constraints for an adequate account of the facts that constitute the meaningfulness of expressions. Many of the sceptic's remarks concern the nature of the guidance involved in a speaker's meaningful uses of expressions. I propose that we understand those remarks (...)
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  2. Finite Thinkers.Olivia Sultanescu - manuscript
    In this introductory essay, I articulate a puzzle that is central for our understanding of ourselves as minded beings bound to live finite lives. I argue that our finitude is not something that can be set aside for the purposes of the philosophical inquiry into the mind. Grappling with it is an essential component of this inquiry.
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  3. Davidson’s Answer to Kripke’s Sceptic.Olivia Sultanescu & Claudine Verheggen - 2019 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 7 (2):8-28.
    According to the sceptic Saul Kripke envisages in his celebrated book on Wittgenstein on rules and private language, there are no facts about an individual that determine what she means by any given expression. If there are no such facts, the question then is, what justifies the claim that she does use expressions meaningfully? Kripke’s answer, in a nutshell, is that she by and large uses her expressions in conformity with the linguistic standards of the community she belongs to. While (...)
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  4. Meaning Scepticism and Primitive Normativity.Olivia Sultanescu - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (2):357-376.
    This paper examines Hannah Ginsborg's attempt to address the challenge raised by Saul Kripke's meaning sceptic. I start by identifying the two constraints that the sceptic claims must be met by a satisfactory answer. Then I try to show that Ginsborg's proposal faces a dilemma. In the first instance, I argue that it is able to meet the second constraint, but not the first. I then amend the proposal in order to make room for the first constraint. I go on (...)
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  5.  24
    Are Apes’ Responses to Pointing Gestures Intentional?Olivia Sultanescu & Kristin Andrews - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (24):53-77.
    This paper examines the meaningfulness of pointing in great apes. We appeal to Hannah Ginsborg’s conception of primitive normativity, which provides an adequate criterion for establishing whether a response is meaningful, and we attempt to make room for a conception according to which there is no fundamental difference between the responses of human infants and those of other great apes to pointing gestures. This conception is an alternative to Tomasello’s view that pointing gestures and reactions to them reveal a fundamental (...)
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  6.  54
    How Not to Brush Questions under the Rug.Olivia Sultanescu - 2024 - In Claudine Verheggen, Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40. New York,: Cambridge University Press. pp. 163 - 180.
    In his treatment of the Wittgensteinian paradox about rule-following, Saul Kripke represents the non-reductionist approach, according to which meaning something by an expression is a sui generis state that cannot be elucidated in more basic terms, as brushing philosophical questions under the rug. This representation of non-reductionism captures the way in which some of its proponents conceive of it. Meaning is viewed by these philosophers as an explanatory primitive that provides the basic materials for philosophical inquiry, but whose nature cannot (...)
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  7.  63
    Bridging the Gap: A Reply to Hutto and Satne.Olivia Sultanescu - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):639-649.
    Daniel D. Hutto and Glenda Satne expose, and suggest a way to resolve, what they see as an “essential tension” which has plagued what they take to be the most promising approach to the nature of contentful states, that is, the neo-pragmatist approach. According to this approach, an adequate account of content essentially appeals to the notion of a social practice. This paper is a critical assessment of their proposal. On their view, the tension stems from the fact that participation (...)
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  8.  62
    Meaning, Evidence, and Objectivity.Olivia Sultanescu - 2020 - In Syraya Chin-Mu Yang & Robert H. Myers, Donald Davidson on Action, Mind and Value. Springer. pp. 171-184.
    This chapter addresses the question of what makes expressions meaningful according to the conception of meaning offered by Donald Davidson. It addresses this question by reflecting on Kathrin Glüer’s recent response to it. It argues that Glüer misconstrues both the evidence for meaning that the radical interpreter must rely on and the way in which the principle of charity must be deployed. The articulation of the correct construal of the evidence and the principle reveals the thoroughly non-reductionist aspect of Davidson’s (...)
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  9.  44
    (1 other version)Introduction.Olivia Sultanescu - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (2):157-164.
    In Donald Davidson's Triangulation Argument: A Philosophical Inquiry, Robert H. Myers and Claudine Verheggen spell out, and extensively build on, the triangulation argument advanced by Donald Davidson. This paper is an introduction to a symposium devoted to their development of that argument. The symposium began in 2018 as an authors-meet-critics session at the Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Congress, and consists in the responses of three critics, Kirk Ludwig, Alexander Miller, and Paul Hurley, followed by Verheggen's and Myers's replies. I offer (...)
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  10. Rule-Following and Intentionality.Alexander Miller & Olivia Sultanescu - 2022 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  11.  49
    Review of James R. Shaw's Wittgenstein on Rules: Justification, Grammar, and Agreement[REVIEW]Olivia Sultanescu - 2023 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  12.  45
    The psychology and policy of overcoming economic inequality.Kai Ruggeri, Olivia Symone Tutuska, Giampaolo Abate Romero Ladini, Narjes Al-Zahli, Natalia Alexander, Mathias Houe Andersen, Katherine Bibilouri, Jennifer Chen, Barbora Doubravová, Tatianna Dugué, Aleena Asfa Durrani, Nicholas Dutra, R. A. Farrokhnia, Tomas Folke, Suwen Ge, Christian Gomes, Aleksandra Gracheva, Neža Grilc, Deniz Mısra Gürol, Zoe Heidenry, Clara Hu, Rachel Krasner, Romy Levin, Justine Li, Ashleigh Marie Elizabeth Messenger, Fredrik Nilsson, Julia Marie Oberschulte, Takashi Obi, Anastasia Pan, Sun Young Park, Sofia Pelica, Maksymilian Pyrkowski, Katherinne Rabanal, Pika Ranc, Žiga Mekiš Recek, Daria Stefania Pascu, Alexandra Symeonidou, Milica Vdovic, Qihang Yuan, Eduardo Garcia-Garzon & Sarah Ashcroft-Jones - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e174.
    Recent arguments claim that behavioral science has focused – to its detriment – on the individual over the system when construing behavioral interventions. In this commentary, we argue that tackling economic inequality using both framings in tandem is invaluable. By studying individuals who have overcome inequality, “positive deviants,” and the system limitations they navigate, we offer potentially greater policy solutions.
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  13.  16
    Overestimating the intensity of negative feelings in autobiographical memory: evidence from the 9/11 attack and COVID-19 pandemic. [REVIEW]Juan Castillo, Haoxue Fan, Olivia T. Karaman, Jocelyn Shu, Yoann Stussi, M. Alexandra Kredlow, Sophia Vranos, Javiera P. Oyarzún, Hayley M. Dorfman, Deshawn Chatman Sambrano, Robert Meksin, William Hirst & Elizabeth A. Phelps - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):1048-1063.
    When recalling autobiographical events, people not only retrieve event details but also the feelings they experienced. The current study examined whether people are able to consistently recall the intensity of past feelings associated with two consequential and negatively valenced events, i.e. the 9/11 attack (N = 769) and the COVID-19 pandemic (N = 726). By comparing experienced and recalled intensities of negative feelings, we discovered that people systematically recall a higher intensity of negative feelings than initially reported – overestimating the (...)
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  14. The trouble with personhood and person‐centred care.Matthew Tieu, Alexandra Mudd, Tiffany Conroy, Alejandra Pinero de Plaza & Alison Kitson - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (3):e12381.
    The phrase ‘person‐centred care’ (PCC) reminds us that the fundamental philosophical goal of caring for people is to uphold or promote their personhood. However, such an idea has translated into promoting individualist notions of autonomy, empowerment and personal responsibility in the context of consumerism and neoliberalism, which is problematic both conceptually and practically. From a conceptual standpoint, it ignores the fact that humans are social, historical and biographical beings, and instead assumes an essentialist or idealized concept of personhood in which (...)
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    Striking the balance with epistemic injustice in healthcare: the case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.Eleanor Alexandra Byrne - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (3):371-379.
    Miranda Fricker’s influential concept of epistemic injustice has recently seen application to many areas of interest, with an increasing body of healthcare research using the concept of epistemic injustice in order to develop both general frameworks and accounts of specific medical conditions and patient groups. This paper illuminates tensions that arise between taking steps to protect against committing epistemic injustice in healthcare, and taking steps to understand the complexity of one’s predicament and treat it accordingly. Work on epistemic injustice is (...)
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  16. Well-being.Valerie Tiberius & Alexandra Plakias - 2010 - In John Doris, Moral Psychology Handbook. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 402--432.
    Whether it is to be maximized or promoted as the object of a duty of beneficence, well-being is a vitally important notion in ethical theory. Well-being is a value, but to play the role it has often been assigned by ethical theory it must also be something we can measure and compare. It is a normative concept, then, but it also seems to have empirical content. Historically, philosophical conceptions of well-being have been responsive to the paired demands for normative and (...)
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  17.  19
    Immediate Psychological Effects of the COVID-19 Quarantine in Youth From Italy and Spain.Mireia Orgilés, Alexandra Morales, Elisa Delvecchio, Claudia Mazzeschi & José P. Espada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Affective scaffolding and chronic illness.Eleanor Alexandra Byrne - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (4):921-946.
    ABSTRACT Current attempts to understand unusually high rates of psychiatric illness in complex, chronic illnesses can be guilty of operating within an explanatory framework whereby there are two options. Either (a) that the psychiatric predicaments are secondary to the bodily condition, and (b) that they are primary. In this paper, I draw upon philosophical work on affect, contemporary empirical work, and qualitative first-person patient data to illustrate a much messier reality. I argue that affective experience is generally more complex in (...)
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    Sex differences in the spatial representation of number.Rebecca Bull, Alexandra A. Cleland & Thomas Mitchell - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):181.
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    Stochasticity in cultural evolution: a revolution yet to happen.Sylvain Billiard & Alexandra Alvergne - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):9.
    Over the last 40 years or so, there has been an explosion of cultural evolution research in anthropology and archaeology. In each discipline, cultural evolutionists investigate how interactions between individuals translate into group level patterns, with the aim of explaining the diachronic dynamics and diversity of cultural traits. However, while much attention has been given to deterministic processes, we contend that current evolutionary accounts of cultural change are limited because they do not adopt a systematic stochastic approach. First, we show (...)
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  21.  38
    Who Purchases From the Informal Economy and Why?Ioana Alexandra Horodnic, Claudia Ioana Ciobanu, Adriana Zaiț & Colin C. Williams - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent decades scholars have acknowledged that transactions in the informal economy have not vanished with modernization and industrialization as expected but rather remain an important contemporary aspect of overall production and consumption across the world, in both developing and developed countries. Yet little is known about the profile of the consumers in this realm or what drives them to purchase from the informal economy. A systematic review of the literature investigating consumption in the informal economy reveals a severely underdeveloped (...)
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    Coping Behaviors and Psychological Disturbances in Youth Affected by the COVID-19 Health Crisis.Mireia Orgilés, Alexandra Morales, Elisa Delvecchio, Rita Francisco, Claudia Mazzeschi, Marta Pedro & José Pedro Espada - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine undergone by children in many countries is a stressful situation about which little is known to date. Children and adolescents' behaviors to cope with home confinement may be associated with their emotional welfare. The objectives of this study were: to examine the coping strategies used out by children and adolescents during the COVID-19 health crisis, to analyze the differences in these behaviors in three countries, and to examine the relationship between different coping modalities and (...)
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    The responsibility to prevent, the duty to educate.Zohar Lederman, Alexandra Cernat, Eleonora Gregori Ferri, Franco Galbo, Guiomar Micol Andrea Levi-Setti, Mayli Mertens, Bryanna Moore, Olga Riklikiene, Jamie Vescio & Sheena Eagan Chamberlin - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (3):233-236.
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    Looking Through “Rose-Tinted” Glasses: The Influence of Tint on Visual Affective Processing.Tim Schilling, Alexandra Sipatchin, Lewis Chuang & Siegfried Wahl - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:452016.
    The use of color-tinted lenses can introduce profound effects into how we process visual information at the early to late stages. Besides mediating harsh lighting conditions, some evidence suggests that color-tinted lenses can influence how humans respond to emotional events. In this study, we systematically evaluated how color-tinted lenses modified our participants’ psychophysiological responses to emotion-inducing images. The participants passively viewed pleasant, neutral or unpleasant images from the International-Affective-Picture-System (IAPS), while wearing none, blue, red, yellow or green tinted-lenses that were (...)
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    Le souci de soi dans «Être et Temps».Annie Larivée & Alexandra Leduc - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (4):723-741.
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    Tinted lenses affect our physiological responses to affective pictures: An EEG/ERP study.Tim Schilling, Alexandra Sipatchin, Lewis Chuang & Siegfried Wahl - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  27.  15
    Bariatric Surgery Patients' Perceptions of Weight-Related Stigma in Healthcare Settings Impair Post-surgery Dietary Adherence.Danielle M. Raves, Alexandra Brewis, Sarah Trainer, Seung-Yong Han & Amber Wutich - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:217492.
    _Background:_ Weight-related stigma is reported frequently by higher body-weight patients in healthcare settings. Bariatric surgery triggers profound weight loss. This weight loss may therefore alleviate patients' experiences of weight-related stigma within healthcare settings. In non-clinical settings, weight-related stigma is associated with weight-inducing eating patterns. Dietary adherence is a major challenge after bariatric surgery. _Objectives:_ (1) Evaluate the relationship between weight-related stigma and post-surgical dietary adherence; (2) understand if weight loss reduces weight-related stigma, thereby improving post-surgical dietary adherence; and (3) explore (...)
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    Saint Paul, Augustin et Aristote comme sources gréco-chrétiennes du souci chez Heidegger.Annie Larivée & Alexandra Leduc - 2001 - Philosophie 2 (2):30.
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    Counterproductive Altruism: The Other Heavy Tail.Daniel Kokotajlo & Alexandra Oprea - 2020 - Philosophical Perspectives 34 (1):134-163.
    First, we argue that the appeal of effective altruism (henceforth, EA) depends significantly on a certain empirical premise we call the Heavy Tail Hypothesis (HTH), which characterizes the probability distribution of opportunities for doing good. Roughly, the HTH implies that the best causes, interventions, or charities produce orders of magnitude greater good than the average ones, constituting a substantial portion of the total amount of good caused by altruistic interventions. Next, we canvass arguments EAs have given for the existence of (...)
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    Aide médicale à mourir et troubles mentaux : exploration des défis, des préoccupations et des enjeux éthiques associés.Marie-Alexandra Gagné - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (3-4):1-7.
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    The Role of Amodal Surface Completion in Stereoscopic Transparency.Barton L. Anderson & Alexandra C. Schmid - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  32. Religion in der Kultur – Kultur in der Religion. Burkhard Gladigows Beitrag zum Paradigmen-Wechsel in der Religionswissenschaft.Christoph Auffarth, Alexandra Grieser & Anne Koch - 2021
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    "Wie hältst du's mit der Wirklichkeit?": kleine Einübung in die konstruktivistischen Diskussionen.Alexandra Bänsch - 1997 - Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
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    Philosophers in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching.Steven M. Cahn, Alexandra Bradner & Andrew P. Mills (eds.) - 2018 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    In the classroom, philosophers face not only the perennial problems of philosophy, but the problems of _teaching_ philosophy, and specifically the problems of teaching philosophy today: how to make philosophy interesting and relevant to students who are resistant to, or unfamiliar with, the discipline; how to bring classic texts to life within our current socio-cultural context; how to serve all students regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or declared majors; how to sustain our discipline in light of support for more "vocational" (...)
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    Socialisme chinois.Alexandra David-Neel - 1907 - Londres,: Luzac.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  36. Formas de recepçao de psicomaquia de Prudêncio.Ana Alexandra Alves de Sousa - 1998 - Humanitas 50:113.
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    Bidirectional contrast as a function of rate of alternation of two sucrose solutions.Charles F. Flaherty & Alexandra Avdzej - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (5):505-507.
  38.  25
    The Rules of the School.Alhena Gadotti & Alexandra Kleinerman - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1):89.
    “The Rules of the School,” or Eduba R, is a previously unedited Sumerian literary composition that describes a day in the life of an Old Babylonian student. In this paper, we examine the nature of Eduba R, its place within the corpus of scribal life texts, and its pedagogical role within the Old Babylonian scribal school curriculum as a whole. In addition, we publish a transliteration, translation, commentary, and photos of the two primary manuscripts of the composition.
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    Die Charakteristik.Fee-Alexandra Haase - 2001 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (1):302-318.
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    “Presentation” and “representation” of contents as principles of media convergence: A model of rhetorical narrativity of interactive multimedia design in mass communication with a case study of the digital edition of the New York Times.Fee-Alexandra Haase - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (226):89-106.
    This article presents a model and a case study of the narrative structures that are present in the interactive media design of multimedia applications in the mass media. As basic categories for the history and structure of media, we employ the model of the modes of the physical, analog, and digital presentation/representation. In this case study of the online edition of the New York Times, we have the case of a newspaper that in the digital edition employs multi-media applications. Contrasting (...)
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    Adult age differences in remembering gain- and loss-related intentions.Sebastian S. Horn & Alexandra M. Freund - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (8):1652-1669.
    Motivational and emotional changes across adulthood have a profound impact on cognition. In this registered report, we conducted an experimental investigation of motivational influence on remembering intentions after a delay (prospective memory; PM) in younger, middle-aged, and older adults, using gain- and loss-framing manipulations. The present study examined for the first time whether motivational framing in a PM task has different effects on younger and older adults’ PM performance (N = 180; age range: 18–85 years) in a controlled laboratory setting. (...)
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  42. Printre" străini".Florina Alexandra Horvath, Victor-Iulian Tucă, Ana Maria Petrescu, Nadia Moşanu & Mihaela Boca - 2003 - Dilema 557:7-11.
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    Epileptogenic high-frequency oscillations present larger amplitude both in mesial temporal and neocortical regions.Victor Karpychev, Alexandra Balatskaya, Nikita Utyashev, Nikita Pedyash, Andrey Zuev, Olga Dragoy & Tommaso Fedele - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:984306.
    High-frequency oscillations (HFO) are a promising biomarker for the identification of epileptogenic tissue. While HFO rates have been shown to predict seizure outcome, it is not yet clear whether their morphological features might improve this prediction. We validated HFO rates against seizure outcome and delineated the distribution of HFO morphological features. We collected stereo-EEG recordings from 20 patients (231 electrodes; 1,943 contacts). We computed HFO rates (the co-occurrence of ripples and fast ripples) through a validated automated detector during non-rapid eye (...)
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    How veridical is feedback of visual object information to foveal retinotopic cortex?Weldon Kimberly, Woolgar Alexandra, Rich Anina & Williams Mark - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Présentation.Annie Larivée & Alexandra Leduc - 2005 - Philosophie 87 (4):3-4.
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  46. Pensar la inclusión y la interculturalidad de cara a la educación / Caso Escuela Waorani.Sofía Alexandra Yépez Rosero, Geomar Dinora, Hidalgo Mantilla & Shadira Procel Guerra - 2018 - In Higuera Aguirre, Edison Francisco, Fernando Palacios Mateos, Erazo Ortega & María Patricia, Pensar, vivir y hacer la educación: visiones compartidas. Quito: Centro de Publicaciones Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
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    Evidence of broad-based family support for the use of archival childhood tumour samples in future research.Alexandra Sexton-Oates, Andrew Dodgshun, Duncan MacGregor, Louise E. Ludlow, Michael Sullivan & Richard Saffery - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (7):460-465.
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    La desmaterialización de documentos como proceso de modernización de las actuaciones notariales y el principio de seguridad jurídica.Monica Alexandra Clavijo Sicha - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (8):e230124.
    El desarrollo de la presente investigación se sustenta en los argumentos legales y constitucionales que permiten impulsar la modernización del Estado ecuatoriano, considerando la desmaterialización de las actuaciones notariales y la manera como esta se vincula al principio de seguridad jurídica. La metodología empleada se basó en el enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo, utilizando como instrumento de recolección de datos la entrevista estructurada dirigida a notarios y abogados. Los principales resultados indican que en efecto la desmaterialización de documentos es percibida (...)
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    British Architectural Theory, 1540-1750: An Anthology of Texts.Caroline Alexandra van Eck, Caroline van Eck & Christy Anderson - 2003 - Ashgate Publishing.
    The nature of architecture Building Architecture and Religion The sense of the past Following the example of antiquity.
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    Los espacios tecnológicos: un acercamiento al malestar cultural de los medios de comunicación en McLuhan.Maribel Villota, Dora Alexandra Villota, Efraín Bámaca & Pedro Galindez - 2017 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 17 (34).
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo acercarse al pensamiento sensitivo de los medios de comunicación desde Marshall McLuhan. En términos generales, este acercamiento pretende relacionar, desde la consolidación tecnológica de la información, el cuestionamiento de los espacios tecnológicos a través de la extensión humana, y desde ahí descubrir si el panorama tecnológico trastoca aún hoy la extensión de nuestra corporeidad, en lo que McLuhan denominó “el nacimiento de una nueva nostalgia”. La reconfiguración de un nuevo escenario en el que los (...)
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